Thursday, June 7, 2012

Goat Arias

    There's a new diva in town... and she's working like crazy to give Streisand a run for her money. Up til now, Belle has been our only resident singer. When she wants grain, hay, or attention, she sings... very, VERY loudly... until she gets it. When she sees farm girl walk past the gate to go get the mail, she sings even louder. Belle feels strongly that farm girl really shouldn't be doing anything other than serving Belle and her many demands, and since Belle doesn't get many letters, that does NOT include walks to the mailbox. Sadly, Belle's neighbors don't like goats, and they especially don't like goat opera. They feel that she should be more respectful of their quiet farm lifestyle. So needless to say, the addition of some back-up harmony is not being well-received.

     The harmony is provided compliments of Bailey, daughter of never-makes-a-peep-quietest-Nubian-ever, Socks. Farm girl thinks Socks might be missing vocal chords - or whatever it is that goats have in lieu of those. Even in the full throws of labor and delivery, Socks didn't make a sound. But Bailey - not so much. Bailey thinks that Farm Girl is her mom, despite the fact that she was never a bottle baby. She feels that Farm Girl should live in the barn and hold her all the time, and so she cries in an attempt to induce guilt. On nice Spring days, it often worked. But it's getting hot now, so the humans prefer to stay in the AC or in the pool. So Bailey sings and sings, and then Belle starts because she's demanding that Bailey shut up. Pretty soon, we have a full scale Andrew Lloyd Weber duet going on in the pasture. I've ordered some half-face masks for them both so I can charge the neighbor admission. 

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